
在不需要依靠药物,胰岛素与保健品的情况下, 医治糖尿病的根源,改变糖友的人生。

diabetes specialist malaysia

About Our Doctor

Both Dr Andrew & Dr Jasmine graduated from Melaka Manipal Medical College with a medical degree (MBBS).

In 2013, Dr Andrew was wrongly diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. This near death experience changed his perspective about medical practice, and this is how Clinixero is started in 2017, with the principle of Focusing on the Root Cause.

周志浩医生 (MBBS)

​周丽娴医生 (MBBS)

As pioneers in this industry, our doctors are constantly upgrading their clinical skills & experience. In Feb 2023, they travelled more than 9000 miles to Denver, USA to attend a Health & Nutrition Conference. In this conference, they managed to meet & network with more than 200 like minded doctors & healthcare professionals from across the world.

Our doctors are also Diabetes educators, as they have conducted nothing less than 500 health talks, online & offline included. Their stage presence is amplified by the KISS principle they apply, ie ‘Keep It Short & Simple’. They are also able to deliver their talks in English, Mandarin, Malay & Cantonese.


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Trusted By Patients Like You

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Stanly Kwong
06:15 20 Jan 25
2024 it’s been a tough year for me because of my health issues & become a diabetic patient. But luckily I founded and joined CLINIXERO & successfully reversed my diabetes HBA1c 8.0 to 5.5, fatty liver, obesity & cholesterol back to normal within 8 months. I’m very grateful to become a member of CLINIXERO.Special thanks to Dr JasmineJOIN CLINIXERO YOU NEVER REGRET
Koo Weoi Horng Cool
02:06 20 Jan 25
Best life no stress, nothing important than self healthy, result can says it.
Mint Tan HM
03:25 13 Jan 25
Great experience of reverse diabetes journey with Clinixero!2025.01.13 - Today is a significant day because I successfully reversed diabetes❗❗When my blood test report showed Hba1c 8.3%, I was unwilling to admit that I was already a diabetic, and I was unwilling to accept the fact that the doctor said, "You must take medicine." Because there is no information or doctor that can tell me how I, a person who has eaten brown rice for more than 10 years (brown rice has a better Low GI) and pays attention to my diet, can develop diabetes. Don't tell me "hereditary", please prove to me.At the same time, I believe that "there must be other ways to avoid taking medicine." . "There must be a permanent solution.", "I believe I am the root cause of everything."Therefore, I kept looking for ways and tried various home remedies. I tried to reduce my food intake, tried foods that were said to lower blood sugar, continued to exercise, and then monitored my blood sugar level, but it had no effect.This reversal journey took me about 6 months (I have built a body that has been built for 45 years, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it took 6 months to improve it)1.HbA1c improvement dropped from 8.3% to 5.7%2. Weight loss from 64 kg to 54.5 kg (total loss of 9.5 kg)3. My eyes are no longer blurryHealth is priceless❣️Thanks for your belief in me finding Clinixero.Thank you Dr Jasmine for your professional consultation and companionship❤️Thanks to Dr Jasmine and Dr Andrew for their perseverance and courage in finding answers, they have helped many people with diabetes reverse diabetes and find their healthy and happy selves❤️
Francis Yeo
03:38 08 Jan 25
Dr Andrew Chiew did a wonderful guidance on my successfully reverse blood sugar, no longer on dependence of medicine to control blood sugar. I have achieved weight loss 13kg, no more gout, knee pain and hand numbness reduced. I will continue to have low carb diet with Intermittent fasting to achieve weight loss goal to gain better health and life styles, thank you Dr Chiew for the step by step guidance to see results after 4 months into the programme
Chen YF
03:33 03 Jan 25
Very useful, learned a lot of knowledge from sessions.
Catherine Teong
08:16 20 Dec 24
My journey of freedom in gaining my health back through Clinixero. My gratitude and heart felt thanks to Clinixero and the team especially to Dr Andrew for his guidance and consultations.Following testimony is from the outcome ofa) my blood test results; my first in April 2024 and my last in October 2024.b) ClinixeroDietaryProgram1) diabetes reversed2) waist reduced from42”to35”3) high blood pressure is normal4) self monitored blood sugar is normal5) weight drops from 75.4Kg to 59.60kg6) kidney function improved7) Blood Glucose drops to normal8) Fatty liver disease is reversed9) Decade long skin issue improved10) Decade long issue with heart burn has goneAnd now continue with Dietary plan WITH NO MORE MEDICATION NEEDED TO BE TAKEN!Thanks Clinixero and Thank you to Dr Andrew and Dr Jasmine and the Team. Your effort and sacrifices make a difference in impacting lives for the better. Keep it up
Gan Lai Kuen
08:21 16 Dec 24
(Reversing Diabetes Program):I had better health and could reverse my diabetic. Previously I was with the following:1. 21 years of diabetes -HbA1c reduced from 9.0% to 5.7% (removal of 2 medications)2. 8 years of hypertension successfully reversed- removal of 1 medication3. Body weight reduced from 64 kg to 52 kg (total loss 12 kg)From this programme, I was able to learn how to take care of my diabetic from zero knowledge to where I am now. Thank you Dr Jasmine and may peace be with you under God's blessing.
how heng
07:57 19 Nov 24
It’s a life changing experience to have sign up with Dr Jasmine with this Diabetes Reversal program. My eGFR has improved from 59 Stage 3 to 79 Stage 2 . I do not have to take hypertension pill anymore. My blood pressure is always below 110 /70 . My Blood Sugar 2 hrs after food has even gone down below 6.All in all it’s worth every ringgit I paid for this program and I sincerely encourage anyone with diabetes to sign up for this Diabetes Reversal Program. I have reduced taking medication from 9 types ,to just 1my blood thinning tablet .Sign up now , follow the program closely and success is waiting at the door!
robin biju
07:42 04 Nov 24
First of all, thank you to Dr. Andrew and Clinixero team.The Reverse Diabetic Program had met my objectives: drug free. I'm no longer a diabetic after joining the programme.1.Blood sugar back to normal.2.No more gastric issues.3.Body Mass Index with back to normal weight.4.Sex drive improved.5.Hearing improved.6.Stamina improved7.Anxiety improved a lot.