We Prescribe Education,
Not Medications

在不需要依靠药物,胰岛素与保健品的情况下, 医治糖尿病的根源,改变糖友的人生。

About Our Doctor
Both Dr Andrew & Dr Jasmine graduated from Melaka Manipal Medical College with a medical degree (MBBS).
In 2013, Dr Andrew was wrongly diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. This near death experience changed his perspective about medical practice, and this is how Clinixero is started in 2017, with the principle of Focusing on the Root Cause.

周志浩医生 (MBBS)

周丽娴医生 (MBBS)
As pioneers in this industry, our doctors are constantly upgrading their clinical skills & experience. In Feb 2023, they travelled more than 9000 miles to Denver, USA to attend a Health & Nutrition Conference. In this conference, they managed to meet & network with more than 200 like minded doctors & healthcare professionals from across the world.
Our doctors are also Diabetes educators, as they have conducted nothing less than 500 health talks, online & offline included. Their stage presence is amplified by the KISS principle they apply, ie ‘Keep It Short & Simple’. They are also able to deliver their talks in English, Mandarin, Malay & Cantonese.


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